Sjaapie is a children's brand for the age 1 to 4 years. It contains children's books and in the future also other products. The history of the nowadays called brand Sjaapie started in 2012. Back then Sjaapie didn't exist, only Vobi the little Bird and Vabi a little pig. New characters came years later as it was first used as mascottes for Stickergalerij. Audiences found these characters so cute and suitable for little children that CJNech decided to created children's books with those little animals. And so the main character was also developed just for the book. A little hero sheep who carriage the name: Sjaapie.
Children's books of Sjaapie
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Below you will also find features of Sjaapie under the name: de boerderij diertjes (the farm animals). 

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